Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Whose Your Super Hero?

Yesterday Buckeroo jumps in the car after school and says "I need a super hero cape and mask for tomorrow for Kicking Drugs to the Curb for Red Ribbon Week!!" He's totally excited and rambunctious and I say a quick pray that he is ALWAYS this excited about being drug free. So i start thinking, 'Well it is close to Halloween I can probably still get a Superman, Batman or something.' Then my natural instinct to survive kicks in and I start to think of ways to NOT have to go to Walmart, and I decide to call upon my own superhero powers that a wonderful sweet friend helped me culivate months ago. We get home, get that day's homework done and I ask Buckeroo what he wants it to look and what he wants. He excited says "I want flames that way I can have fire as my super power to destroy drugs." DING DING DING we have a winner! I just *happen* to have some red fabric with LOTS of orange and yellow flames (we won't discuss the fact that I have four baskets of fabric). So I get right onto it and completely ignore the house and the fact I have camping gear everywhere and I seriously need to do laundry before we leave for our Boy Scouts fall campout Friday (and I'm being completely serious). While I am probably not the best person for a tutorial I decided I'm going to do one, just please know that I am NOT a professional by any standards and there are probably a bagillion better ways to do this than mine.

First, I took my fabric measured from shoulder to shoulder on Buckeroo (aka held it to his shoulders with my fingers) and then folded it in half so I could keep the placement correct. I then cut at a diagonal, to get the smaller top and larger bottom effect. I also cut the eye mask at the same time - this was just a strip of fabric approx. 3" wide.
On the top right corner you can see the actual cape I cut, I'm cutting the eye mask in the picture.Then I double folded and ironed each seam and then stiched them. I tried to do all the seams at once but for some reason (I think the weight of the fabric) the seams didn't stay well, so I went to one seam at a time.When I got to the top and bottom and folded the seam I had to cut the corners at a diagonal so they weren't all funky weird corner tails sticking out. LOL!
Then I outlined Buckeroo's eyes with a red sharpie lightly so I could cut out the eyeholes. I stiched around the openings so they won't fray. Next measure (short cut way from above)where the material will meet on their head, cut leaving a 1" seam allowance (two 1/2" folds) and stich. Attach what ever you're using for closures I used snaps, mainly because that is what I had on hand, but it did keep it on his head securely!
I used white grossgrain ribbon as the tie, I stitched it along the top of the cape and left enough to tie I also double folded and stitched the ends so they wouldn't fray. Then my neurotic self kicked in this morning and thought I need a better way for this to release if it gets caught on something while he's playing at recess. So I thought and thought and looked and looked but I couldn't find anything. I had no velcro, no easy open snaps, nothing.....except double sided sticky mounting tape. Yep sure did, this momma sent her little guy to school with double sided sticky mounting tape and the closure on the ribbon so I didn't have to fret about him and the slide or him and running around the playground equipment all day. I'm gonna get some velcro next week and attach it.
 Had to get my Fall/Halloween mantle in with my cute little model! Here's one more just for good measure and I think the model is purdy darn awesome and cute ahem excuse me COOL!



Amy of While Wearing Heels

That is the cutest super hero I have ever seen. I love that you used your own super hero powers to whip it up.

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